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Conservation Commission
Regular Meeting
January 12, 2010 6:00 pm
Town Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT

Commissioners Present:  Hovious, Cramer, Barkman, Kaley, Wilson and Wright (via phone)
Staff:  Rob Sibley, Deputy Director of Planning & Land Use, and Tammy Hazen, Clerk

I.      Executive Session – was called to order at 5:00 pm and adjourned at 6:00 pm.

The public meeting was called to order at 6:10 pm

  • Election of Officers – The commission discussed the charter as it pertains to filling in vacancies in the commission and discussed the 2010 membership.  Commissioner Barkman motioned that Joe Hovious be Chair, that Mary Kaley be Vice-Chair and that Mary Kaley be Secretary for 2010.  Commissioner Cramer seconded the motion.  Motion approved unanimously.
  • Public Participation – No public participation.  
IV.     Approval of Minutes – Commissioner Barkman motioned to approve the minutes of December 8, 2009.  Commissioner Kaley seconded the motion.  Motion approved the minutes unanimously as amended. Commissioner Wright motioned to approve the minutes of the special meeting of December 14, 2009.  Commissioner Cramer seconded the motion.  Motion approved unanimously.

V.      Old Business – Progress Reports and Updates

Open Space Purchase Discussion and Resolution as Appropriate – No information.

Natural Resource Inventory Update – Mr. Sibley stated that there has been no information received from Milone and MacBroom but that they have been paid regularly.  Commissioner Hovious requested a report from them for the next meeting.  Mr. Sibley will send an e-mail to Bill Root asking for an update and to attend the next Conservation Commission meeting.  It was noted that the commission has not received any information within the last two months.

3.      Open Space Care and Maintenance Committee

a.      Open Space at Commerce Road Update – Mr. Sibley discussed a meeting with Bill Carboni, Elizabeth Stocker, George Benson, Ron Bolmer, and Bob Rau where Mr. Carboni presented a plan for a business subdivision condominium where there would be one lot with approximately six buildings.  The plans show the development in the upper field with a box culverts over a wetland and a driveway instead of a road.  The plan would need to go through the Army Corp, and would require a one to three mitigation efforts on site.  Commissioner Cramer asked if this could be turned into a road at a later date.  Mr. Sibley said it could not.  In this plan there would be no activity within the area originally set for open space.  The disturbance would be under 100,000 square feet.  There would be approximately 8,300 to 8,400 square feet disturbance in the wetlands.  George Benson requested the open space be protected with an easement in perpetuity.

b.      Ferris Signage – Commissioner Wright sent a copy of the sign proposal to Shirley Ferris and noted that the stone mason is gone for the winter.  The commission adjusted the language for the plaque, Commissioner Barkman will send the update to Commissioner Wright..  

c.      Open Space Use and Signage – The Commission discussed properties that could be prepared for public access, including Brook Heights/DeGraff, Pieragostini, Deep Brook/Commerce Road, Fulton, Reynolds, Grady and Mason.  They also discussed concerns over the activeness of the Trail Committee and the possibility that it could become a subcommittee of the Conservation Commission.  It was noted that individuals wanting to do trail projects on their own need to come before the Conservation Commission and Parks and Rec. for approval. The commission will plan another open space marking public event.  Commissioners will highlight copies of survey maps to plan out where entrance and boundary signs should be placed.  Boundary signs will be nailed on side of the trees facing away from the parcel.  The side of the tree facing the towards open space could be marked with paint or smaller signs noting the boundary and can be put up by neighboring landowners.  Mr. Sibley will forward the Al’s Trail Map that Commissioner Barkman marked with X’s to Carl Samuelson in Park and Rec. to request trail work. Commissioner Wright left at 7:23 pm  Commissioner Hovious suggested planning the signage first for the Grady property.

  • Inventory Progress – Commissioner Hovious said there are files in the Land Use Office with information that would be helpful for the inventory process.  Mr. Sibley said that Scott Sharlow will be upgrading the laptop and that it should be brought into to Land Use.  
  • Housatonic Grant Update – Mr. Sibley received paperwork from the DEP and will be gathering information for the application.
4.      Strategic Planning - Open Space Definition – Commissioner Hovious discussed the CIP.  Mr. Sibley said the POCD currently calls for 21% of total open space but that the First Selectman agrees with changing it to 30%.  The commission discussed the definition and categorizing of open space in the POCD  Commissioners Cramer, Hovious, and Wright will review these categories as a subcommittee.

5.      Acquisition Strategies Discussion –  

6.      Public Education Sub-Committee Report – Commissioner Barkman said that under the Pootatuck Watershed Association she will be establishing a curriculum for “Water Sheds and Water Cycles” for a summer camp.  She asked for input from the commission.  She will also be working with Parks and Rec.  The age group for the camp will be 9 to 12, or grades 4 to 6

7.      Al's Trail Brochure and Routing – Commissioner Barkman asked for approval for a new tri-fold brochure for Al’s Trail to be placed in the map boxes, placed in the Town Hall, and distributed at public events.  Commissioner Cramer motioned to authorize Commission Barkman to make a final version of the brochure of Al’s Trail.  Commissioner Wilson seconded the motion.  Motion approved unanimously.  Printing of the brochure will be paid out of the Land Use budget.  It was suggested to put the Land Use Agency’s phone number on it as well as the Town seal and that the first print run be for a quantity of 500.  Commissioner Barkman described a plan for a proposed loop trail (on Al’s Trail).  Mr. Sibley will print out a map of the area so that Commissioner Barkman can mark it up for the commission to vote on at the next meeting.  She also noted that the website is not complete.

8.      Hawleyville Transfer Station – Commissioner Hovious stated that the public hearing should be closed on January 14th Inland Wetlands meeting and that information is available in the Land Use office.  Mr. Sibley stated that the railroad received a notice of completeness from the DEP and now the DEP permit process begins.  .  

  • Tick-Borne Disease Action Committee – Commissioner Wilson stated that the committee’s next steps are to define their goal and to identify what is needed.  Then a final report will be compiled.

  • Proposed Open Space on Queen Street – Commissioner Barkman said the language for the open space to be permanently set aside will be sent to the Town Attorney for his review and then to the Legislative Council.  The commission discussed the state property area and an entrance over the open space area.  
  • 2010-11 Budget Request – Mr. Sibley explained a reduction in the budget across the board with a mid year reduction of 10%.  There is currently $200 left for open space indexing.  The town is asking for departments to plan on the 2010/2011 budget as being 97% of the new revised budget.  He explained that the First Selectman has challenged the departments to use this time to refine processes, such as the permit process.  Ann Astarita is working developing the Conservation side of the website with information on open space, education, links to other related websites, etc.  
VI.     New Business

1.      CIP – Commissioner Hovious discussed the CIP open space allocation of 1.5 million for years 1, 2, 3, and 4 and a 2 million allocation for year five.  The need for a referendum was discussed and stated there are large properties with huge potential.  The commission will review the list of potential properties at the next executive session.  

2.      Mulholland Preserve and NFA Request – Item tabled.

3.      Public Access to DeGraff 1 Property – The commission noted that they need to take a vote regarding public access on this open space parcel.  Commissioner Barkman voted to allow public access over the railroad bed on the DeGraff 1 property.  Commissioner Cramer seconded the motion.  Motion approved unanimously.  This motion will be recorded in the Town Clerk’s office.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 pm.